mardi 8 mars 2011

Lunt LS100T Prom animation (2011/03/08)

Just starting observing the sun that day (2011/03/08), I saw that spot on the sun beginning to become whiter and whiter...the time to finish installing everytnig, I missed a bit. It was windy and poor seeing, but the result surprised me:

Lunt100THa F/D7 BF3400, Vixen GP mount
Powermate 2.5
Basler acA640-100gm (EEEPC+HD USB: 15 i/s)
Format : Mono 12bits
Exposure : 3 ms
Gain : 399
Black Level : 0
Shift : 0

About 1hour by 1000 Images snapshots, starting UT 10:40

Treatement: Avistack (automatic), Registax, virtualdub:

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