Having a lunt 100THa and a Astro Professionnal 100 with a Baader wedge (and spend too much time under heavy sun...), I noticed that the front objectives are the same: 102ED F/7. So instead of switching between the two scope, I wondered what if ...., as they are identical, what if I could see in the two at the same time? One eye in Ha, the other in White light, 3D effect like red/green glasses?
Having in mind the note on Asymetrical Bino Scope, I tried it yesterday, a zoom on one side and a powermate 2.5x/extender/25mm plossl on the other side and a double plate to mount the two scopes: the 100mm WHaAsyBi was ready in my kitchen!!!
After struggling on making the 2 scopes parallel (folded paper bits), adjusting the power on one side, the focus on both, I could finally merge the 2 images in my brain. It's really amazing, the surface details are seen with a 3D effet, improving both views. It's also nice to compare the spot interaction with proms. Sorry I could test only one power (70x) and about 30min, as the clouds arrived....I'm impatient to improve the stability of the parallism and to try other powers with a beter seeing than from my kitchen window !!!
Hope other solar addicts will try it too and other WHaAsyBi will be out soon!!!
Cheers from Paris, third Solar System planet
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